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Service Learning

Service Learning Graduation Requirement

All Jones students must complete a required number of service learning projects to meet the CPS service learning graduation requirement. These projects will be completed through students’ academic coursework in the following classes:

  • Freshman Year: No project required
  • Sophomore Year: English II
  • Junior Year: Government or Civics course
  • Senior Year: No required course

If the student is not able to complete the service learning project through one of the classes mentioned above, please make sure they meet with Mr. Swanson, one of the counselors at Jones and the school’s Service Learning Coordinator.  He will work with the student to complete an alternative assignment.

Student Volunteer Hours

Volunteer hours are no longer a CPS graduation requirement, but we support students in pursuing volunteer opportunities in the community. Students may need to keep track of volunteer hours in order to be eligible for some of our school-based service clubs (like National Honor Society.)  To get credit for their volunteer hours, students need to submit proof of service (following the guidelines below) so that this information can be added to their official high school transcript.  

Outside Nonprofit Organizations

Students can submit volunteer hours using one of the following options:

  1. Student can email Ms. Chavez ([email protected]) a PDF of the letter from the organization on their letterhead confirming the volunteer experience.
  2. Forward to Ms. Chavez ([email protected]) a confirmation email from the organization.
  3. Representative from the organization can communicate the information directly to Ms. Chavez ([email protected]).

Necessary information that must be provided:

  1. Student name(s)
  2. Dates
  3. Times or hours
  4. Action/event/project (please see acceptable activities and restricted service activities below)
  5. Name and contact information of supervisor.

Jones Functions

School sponsor should submit the information to Ms. Chavez ([email protected]) (email or paper is fine) directly after the event.

Necessary information that must be provided:

  1. Student name(s)
  2. Dates
  3. Times or hours
  4. Action/event/project (please see acceptable activities and restricted service activities below)
  5. Name and contact information of supervisor.

Confirming Hours

If a student wants to know how many hours were entered, they can reach out to Ms. Chavez.


Acceptable Activities

  • Volunteering in a soup kitchen, food pantry, animal shelter, or hospital (reading to children, delivering food)
  • Volunteering at a YMCA or Boys & Girls Club
  • Tutoring students in a school or community-based organization
  • Walk-a-thons for non-profit organizations
  • Neighborhood clean-ups for community organizations
  • Volunteering as helpers at Jones functions such as graduation, open house, or any other activity approved by the student volunteer hour coordinator
  • Only acceptable religious organization activities: tutoring, food/clothes pantry, and soup kitchen.

Restricted Service Activities

  • Work with for-profit businesses and corporations (including daycare centers)
  • Work with religious organizations if the service involves promoting a particular faith
  • Work that is financially reimbursed
  • Participation in a sports team or other extra-curricular activity unless that group designs a service-learning project that contains the components and standards listed above
  • Assisting a teacher (i.e. correcting papers, cleaning the classroom)
  • Artistic performances or recitals unless students are involved in creating a project that includes a performance as an outcome of the project
  • Attending a workshop, conference or other educational event unless that training leads directly to a service project
  • Chores, babysitting or assisting a relative


The deadline for any hours earned during 1st semester is December 10th and the deadline for any hours earned during 2nd semester is May 23rd. If applying to NHS hours have to be turned in 2 weeks prior to NHS deadlines. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Please refer to the Service Learning page of the Student Handbook for more information.