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Standardized Testing

SY23/24 PSAT and SAT Schedule


Fall Assessments

PSAT/NMSQT - Tuesday, October 17

Makeup Date - Saturday, October 21

Juniors Only


All Jones juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT. Students are automatically registered. Students will get their testing room assignments on test day. Testing will begin promptly at 8:00 am. Students should arrive by 7:45 am to get room assignments, sign in, get settled, etc.

For questions, please contact Ms. Guevara [email protected]

Spring Assessments

SAT with Essay School Day - Wednesday, April 10

Makeup Date - TBD

Juniors Only (and seniors that need the grad requirement)

All Jones juniors will take the SAT with Essay School Day. Students are automatically registered. The SAT School Day is a college entrance exam and graduation requirement (national test day SAT exams do not fulfill the SAT School Day graduation requirement). Students will get their testing room assignments on test day. Testing will begin promptly at 8am. Students should arrive by 7:45am to get room assignments, sign in, get settled, etc.

PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 - Tuesday, April 9

Makeup Date - TBD

Freshmen and Sophomores

All Jones freshmen and sophomores will take the PSAT. Students are automatically registered. The Spring PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 are CPS and ISBE required exams. Students will get their testing room assignments on test day. Testing will begin promptly at 8am. Students should arrive by 7:45am to get room assignments, sign in, get settled, etc.

For questions, please contact Ms. Guevara [email protected]

National SAT

  • Offered 7 times throughout the year
  • Register via the College Board website

National ACT

    • Offered 6 times throughout the year
    • Register via the ACT website