Jones LSC Monthly Meeting The Jones Local School Council will meet on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 6:00 PM
Jones LSC Principal Search | Candidate(s) Forum (Updated) The Principal Forum video is available for review. Click the title to see the link to the YouTube channel and the feedback form.
LSC Special Meeting An LSC Special Meeting will be held on Monday, October 2, 2023, at 6:00 PM to select the final candidates. A public forum will be held on October 4, 2023 (Click title to see RSVP form to attend)
Homecoming Volunteers Needed The homecoming committee is looking for 100 parents/caregivers to volunteer at the Homecoming Dance happening on Sept. 22nd. Sign up today!
Jones LSC Monthly Meeting The Jones Local School Council will meet on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 6:00 PM
Back-to-School Night Welcome to “Back-to-School Night” at Jones College Prep on Thursday, September 7. Parents will follow an abbreviated “mini” version of their student’s schedule. See details by clicking the title.
Opening Week The first week of school starts on Monday, August 21. Click the title to see information to help the week go smoothly.
IHSA Fall Tryouts 2023 Tryouts for the fall sports are happening at the beginning of August for many sports. Click the title for details.
Reporting Attendance Process Updated We are updating our attendance process to better reflect CPS policy. Click the title to see the attendance procedure for absences and early dismissals.
Summer Office Hours The Jones Main Office will be open Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-2:30 PM starting June 12 through August 18. Click the title for building closures.