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LSC Monthly Meeting

LSC Monthly Meeting
2/8/2022, 6:00 PM 9:00 PM

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022, at

Note: At the time of creating this agenda, Cook County falls under the Governor of IL’s current disaster declaration of 1-07-2022. Given the current lack of vaccination and/or testing requirements for members and public participants,  the Jones College Prep LSC chair has determined that it is not prudent nor practical to hold a meeting in-person at this time.

Observers can access the meeting via the Public Stream:

If you plan to speak at the meeting during public participation time, please sign up in advance here. The sign-up sheet will remain open until 6:10pm on the day of the meeting. Speakers will have three minutes per person unless arranged in advance.

If you can’t attend, but want to submit a comment for the record, please email it to: [email protected] by 6pm on February 8th.

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